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One Last Shot Southern Strokes

One Last Shot Southern Strokes

You know that guy next door? The one who became your best friend? From the moment you met you did everything together. In fact, there isn't a time when you remember him not being there. Xavier Ryan and Timber Harvest are the best friends we speak of. The BFF's have been through much together, even discovering their own sexual awareness. After shooting hoops, getting sweaty and admiring each others shirtless torsos, they take one last shot in the bedroom. After making out, Timber eagerly gets on his knees and makes love to Xavier's big cock with his mouth, teasing the serpent to full erection. But it's Xavier who surprises -- and pleases Timber -- by taking charge. The hung young stud gets Timber on all fours, ass up in the air and proceeds to eat his ass, licking the tender hole and priming it full of spit. Xavier then slides his throbbing shaft home, balls deep, fucking his BFF towards orgasmic pleasure. But not before some ass-to-mouth, with Timber tasting his own ass juices on Xavier's cock before impaling himself and going for a ride, each eventually showering the other with their cum. Featuring Xavier Ryan, Timber Harvest. Original release date: June 20th, 2018.
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