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Declan and Matthew ChaosMen

Declan and Matthew ChaosMen

I guess I didn't realize what a Top Dog that Declan could be! He likes bottoming a lot better these days, but he really shines as a top. With Matthew West's elite bottoming skills, Declan really got to fuck him without mercy. This is first video where Declan is only Topping and he really is getting into it. After swapping oral, he spoon fucks Matthew, and geez, you can really tell this guy knows how to fuck. He works up quite a sweat trying to hammer Matthew's hole from that angle. Matthew is of course lost in Bottom Boy Nirvana. Declan needed a break after that, so he kicks back and lets Matthew ride his cock from every angle. After riding his cock, Matthew cleans Declan's dick like a good boy. Next Declan fucks him on his back, playing with his cock while digging his cock in as deep as it could go. Matthew was in painful bliss. I did want to see if Matthew could cum doggy-style. Featuring Declan, Matthew West. Original release date: October 12th, 2018.
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