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Maxi ChaosMen

Maxi ChaosMen

Maxi is a hot guy who seems very busy. He has school, work, and extracurricular clubs and activities. He basically only has Sunday's off, so we waited for a weekend date to free-up, and at the very least get a solo filmed. I was so happy to have him come in and be as fantastic as he was. We shot early-ish on a Sunday morning, so it was dreamy to have a hard and horny guy just ready bust a nut. He has a nice cock on him too. He said it was 7.5 but I think maybe I need to get my tape measure out. Even with his curve, he looks like he is rocking over 8 inches. And wow! He was so easily turned-on. Not fussy about the porn he needed, and once hard, he just showed-off for us. He mentions in the interview that he is verse, which is great because I would love to his ass and cock both in full-action! Featuring Maxi. Original release date: November 19th, 2018.
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