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Sex Delights Fuckermate

Sex Delights Fuckermate

After his first great performance few weeks ago, hunk Latin bottom Santi Konnor is back with us to get to know Russian dominant fucker Vadim Romanov. This time Vadim meets his match in Santi's hot muscular body and needs to take real hard work to completely satisfy the bottom's cravings for long moments of sex. Santi for his part is delighted with the huge cock that Vadim has to offer him, first in his eager mouth and then deep inside his worked asshole, that the Russian prepares to a crisp with a juicy rimming session, before fucking the cum out of it! Certainly a fuck that Santi won't forget for long time! Featuring Vadim Romanov, Santi Konnor. Original release date: December 14th, 2018.
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