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Big Nerdy Upgrade Next Door Studios

Big Nerdy Upgrade Next Door Studios

When Ty Thomas arrives at the location given to him by the masseuse's assistant, he never expected such swanky digs, but he has to admit it's kind of a nice change, and when his massage accommodations are upgraded to the master suite, Ty is feeling pretty lucky. But his luck has only just begun, as Dalton Riley slowly eases Ty into a relaxed state of arousal, pushing all the right buttons to unlock Ty's buttoned up disposition. And when Dalton makes his move on Ty's beautiful hole, Ty doesn't resist, so Dalton dives in head first and gives Ty the full service attention that Ty so desperately needs. They work out all the kinks in a very kinky way, as the two of them suck each other off, before Ty lets Dalton fuck him any way he wants. By the time they've both cum, Dalton decides that Ty can have his massage free, and maybe a whole lot more in the future. Featuring Ty Thomas, Dalton Riley. Original release date: November 23rd, 2018.
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