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Wrapped Tied Meat Scene 2 My Dirtiest Fantasy

Wrapped Tied Meat Scene 2 My Dirtiest Fantasy

Tied with his hands behind his back, Jasper is in the ideal position for some face-fucking, after all, who wouldn't like to have Master Aaron's dick rammed down their throat! But that's not the only place Aaron likes to stick his dick in, he fucks the young pup like there's no tomorrow, almost knocking him off of the bed, before face fucking him again, and back to the fuck-fest he goes. But he's not satisfied leaving the boy there as is, Aaron then decides to give the boy a golden shower, and wraps him in the plastic sheeting. Now we can say that's a wrap! Featuring Master Aaron, Jasper Rhodes. From the film: Wrapped Tied Meat. Original release date: December 22nd, 2018.
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