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Edge of Despair Scene 1 My Dirtiest Fantasy

Edge of Despair Scene 1 My Dirtiest Fantasy

We found this boy half naked, in a chastity device and wearing restraints near a quarantine zone, but not to worry, we picked him up, and are willing to test his habilities. Having found the boy walking around with no apparent destination, the first order of business is to decontaminate the boy, but whilst doing so, he finds Alexis' cock, and starts to worship it. Of course we all know how Alexis likes to go all the way, so shortly after he moves the boy over to the table and starts to probe his other holes. All this before ending in a warm cum facial. Featuring Alexis Clark, Ken Rollins. From the film: Edge of Despair: Hazard Cum Control. Original release date: January 15th, 2019.
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