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Nicholas Sykes Active Duty

Nicholas Sykes Active Duty

Dirk lets him go at it once he's all comfortable. Nicholas Sykes gets naked and begins stroking his meaty cock in the chair. He loves to talk dirty while he strokes his hard dick. His ink and sexy fit body add to all the beauty this dedicated soldier has. He moves to the bed where he continues to stroke and plays with his big thick cock. Dirk tells him to assume the position and so he does. Nicholas bends over and spreads his legs so we all can get a good look at his sexy tight virgin hole. He listens to every command from Dirk and when he's done he flips back over and continues to play with his balls while he tugs on every inch of his big dick. You know the climax is coming when you see Nicholas start to stroke his cock faster than anything you've ever seen before. His hands are quick firm and don't let go until his cum starts to spray in every direction covering a vast area. Nicholas probably has one of the sexiest cum shots we have seen to date. Featuring Nicholas Sykes. Original release date: January 30th, 2019.
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