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Bathhouse Betrothal Peter Fever

Bathhouse Betrothal Peter Fever

After Justyn's (John Rene) cockring engagement to David (Alec Cruz), they decide to share the joy with buddies Bobo (Axel Kane) and Darryl (Jessie Lee). The four happy revelers find an unoccupied spot at the baths to have a little impromptu orgy. The two hosts are open and horny enough to play switchies and pair off with the other guys to start, David with Darryl and Justyn with Bobo. After some initial cocksucking fun, this goes the way of all good orgies and turns into a cluster of bodies with mouths on dicks everywhere, and hands reaching across to make sure that everyone gets a hot time. Once they break out the condoms, David climbs on Bobo's big dick and Darryl plows into Justyn. With legs in the air and heads against adjacent sides of a column while they are getting their holes pummeled, David and Justyn are the perfect picture of gay matrimony. What would a bachelors' engagement shower be without an actual cumbath? Bobo and Darryl cum almost simultaneously, spraying a hot creamy sperm shower over the happy couple. Next it will be time to turn the tables. The party's not over yet, boys! From the web series: Sexy Rich Gaysians. Original release date: February 8th, 2019.
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