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Bradley and Scott Active Duty

Bradley and Scott Active Duty

Scott Finn introduces the two and right after they are kicking back on the bed stroking their dicks. Bradley Hayes wips his big fat cock out and Scott has his mouth wrapped around every inch of that throbbing dick sliding his tongue up and down. Bradley loves the dick sucking by his fellow soldier but he moves into sniper position and Scott easily can get behind him now and bury his wet tongue deep in Bradley's wating ass. Bradley is super horny now and can't wait any longer so he bends Scott over and pushes his big dick into his tight ass stretching it wide open until his balls rest against him. He starts fucking slow but once Scott's ass opens up he thrusts harder and faster making Scott moan and squirm with pleasure. Eventually, Bradley has Scott bent over once again and Scott is stroking his hard cock fast as he is being pounded hard from behind. Bradley thrusts once deeper and Scott begins to cum all over the place shooting streams of his warm cum all over the place. Bradley pulls his cock out of Scott and strokes his warm nut onto Scotts back. Featuring Scott Finn, Bradley Hayes. Original release date: April 7th, 2019.
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