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Nate Grimes Badpuppy

Nate Grimes Badpuppy

Nate Grimes just finished working out before he stopped by. He said that he focused on his arms so we asked him to flex his guns; and, they were bulging. From that point it did not take much coaxing to get him out of his shirt. His body is absolutely ripped and he's ready for one final work-out of the day, his cock. As the interview continues Nate is continuously rubbing his crotch. His cock is making quite the impression and looks like it wants to come out to play. He stands up and puts one hand in his underwear. He starts jacking his cock and strips out of his pants. His stiff piece of meat is roaring hard and sticking out the side of his shorts. Nate takes a long, slow sniff of his shoe as he strips totally naked. He kneels on the sofa, bends over and spreads his ass wide open allowing the camera to zoom in really tight. Ready to get down to business, Nate settles back into the corner of the sofa, grabs a bottle of lube and squirts some in his hand. He smears the lube on his asshole and begins working it into his hole. From out of the blue this huge dildo appears and Nate starts slowly working it up his hole. It seems the deeper he pushes it, the harder his cock becomes. He starts working the dildo faster and faster and before long Nate is blowing thick globs of creamy cum all over his hot stomach and chest. Original release date: April 25th, 2018.
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