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XL Buddy Bel Ami Online

XL Buddy Bel Ami Online

It was a bit of trouble selecting a HUNGarian boy to follow on from Kris' appearance yesterday, so we decided to bring out the big guns and schedule this scene with Joel Birkin. While we ended yesterday with Kris in the shower, we start today with Joel getting himself freshened up for his date with Damien Chapelle, also in the shower. This is probably Joel's most romantic scene to date, with no words spoken, Damien manages to convey every desire known to man in his looks and urging touches. While the need to be fucked is obviously very strong, it is not such an easy job for Damien to take all of Joel's huge dick, but perseverance and a gentle touch from Joel pay off and soon Damien's hungry hole is swallowing up every inch of his XL buddy. Featuring Joel Birkin, Damien Chapelle (aka Damian Chapelle). Original release date: July 14th, 2019.
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