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Lost Fate Part 2 My Dirtiest Fantasy

Lost Fate Part 2 My Dirtiest Fantasy

Silas is that kind of master that no matter what, he never has enough, and Pan is going to soon discover this. After all the abuse suffered, Pan is gagged and tied with ropes to a wooden platform with his legs up. Silas doesn't doubt to whip his naked and exposed body as a soft preliminary to the real torment that's yet to come. The pin wheel around his body, the fuck machine whilst he's whipped and stepped on, his master isn't merciful! And when he is bored of that, he ties his slaves balls to his toes to leaving his cock exposed to makes him cum with some different dildos. His moans don't leave you indifferent when Pan reaches the orgasm with the Silas' hand still on his wet cock. Featuring Silas Rise, Pan Bash. From the film: Lost Fate. Original release date: April 23rd, 2019.
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