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James and Lorenzo ChaosMen

James and Lorenzo ChaosMen

I often have Lorenzo on hand to do the oral videos and over the years he has become one of my best cock handlers. I have to remind myself that Lorenzo does love to fuck and get fucked. He and I had talked about paring with horse-hung James Dawn for a while, and we finally got their schedules aligned. It was worth the wait! We definitely wanted to do a flip-fuck scene, mainly because it has been a while since James had topped and he is quite good at it, and Lorenzo has been bottoming a lot too, so seeing him fuck a dude was crucial to keeping both guys on their versatile toes. Lorenzo takes the lead by fucking James. As always, James loves being fucked and can't bring himself to touch his cock while getting fucked for fear of cumming too soon. Ironically, Lorenzo has the same issue and after James begins to fuck him, he is relatively hands-off his own cock. They both cum so easily while being fucked, it was hard to determine who would fuck the cum out of who. Lorenzo was the lucky bottom, so James fucked Lorenzo until he blows a massive nut. They slide a butt-plug into James's ass, and James begins fucking Lorenzo, ramping up to cum. Just before he cums, the plug flies out as James's ass expanded and contracted in the throws of orgasm. Featuring James Dawn, Lorenzo. Original release date: October 11th, 2019.
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