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Shy Guy Next Door Twink

Shy Guy Next Door Twink

Greyson Lane may be shy, but he's not stupid, so when Scott comes barking up his tree, he takes notice and catches Scott Finn off guard with his frank and forward talk. He tells Scott he's been thinking about getting fucked, and Scott immediately reconsiders his impression of Greyson as a soft-spoken, quiet little deer. Instead, he realizes Greyson is one of those silent but serious types who aren't here to fuck around unless we're talking about actually fucking around. Luckily, that's Scott's forte, so he needs no other prompts to lead Greyson back to the bedroom and have his way with this tanned and toned body in front of him. He fucks Greyson all over the bed every way he desires, and Greyson enjoys every moment of it, begging Scott for more and more. By the time the two of them have shot their loads, Scott realizes it's always the quiet ones who turn out to be the best in bed. Featuring Scott Finn, Greyson Lane. Original release date: October 26th, 2019.
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