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Kyle and Michael ChaosMen

Kyle and Michael ChaosMen

I worried a bit that Kyle didn't quite have enough cock-sucking experience to edge another guy. That was totally unfounded. It turns out he really liked toying with Michael Mission's cock. It did help that Michael held out from busting his load for over a week. He was really ready to pop. At least 3-4 times he told Kyle to ease up. Kyle used a few toys on his cock. A shaft ring that vibrates also almost made Michael cum on its own. Of course, there is some fucking action in the fantasy elements, along with a big 'ole dildo that really stretched Michael's ass out. Leaving a big target for Kyle to shoot his load at. And Kyle did a fantastic job making Michael nut. He was consistent with his motion and made Michael's cock spit out a nice load! Featuring Kyle Wyncrest, Michael Mission. Original release date: January 10th, 2020.
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