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His Domain My Dirtiest Fantasy

His Domain My Dirtiest Fantasy

With Tannor gagged and wearing a mask, he's pushed into Pierre's domain, made to be on the bench with his ass on display for Pierre to whip, and have easy access. Without doubt two dirty but innocent looking boys is bound to be a good one! After a bit of whipping Pierre unzips the boy's ass, and starts licking the boys balls whilst fingering his hole, preparing the boy for what's to come! Pierre knows just where he wants this to go, and after removing his rubber shirt, he has the boy worship his cock, until Pierre whips it out and has the boy sucking him off. It's not long now before Pierre is enjoying the boys sweet hole, and boy is this explosive! Featuring Pierre Rubberax, Tannor Reed. From the film: Filthy PVC Sluts. Original release date: November 11th, 2019.
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