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Smooth Operator Bel Ami Online

Smooth Operator Bel Ami Online

One thing must be said about Antony Lorca, and that is that he is a real smooth operator and is able to charm his way into anyone's pants in a matter of minutes. It helps here though that Ryan McKenna is not offering up any resistance, but instead probably wants it even more than Antony. We start of with a reference to early Bel Ami with the cherry opening to the scene, and Antony promising to add one more fuck position for every cherry than Ryan doesn't manage to get in his mouth. While it is obvious that cherries are the last thing on either guy's mind, it is still fun to watch them play the game. Since we start off romantic and tender, the boys decided to continue that way, with slow and erotic love making. Antony as usual excels in his role of top, with Ryan spreading his legs wide to allow for the deepest possible penetration. Featuring Antony Lorca, Ryan McKenna.
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