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Insatiable Appetite Bel Ami Online

Insatiable Appetite Bel Ami Online

We know that many of you have a thing for Pip Caulfield and his insatiable appetite for dick, but in today's scene we have a role reversal, as he steals newbie Fabien Jacq away from Kevin to provide him with a little 'private' training. Fabien and Pip seems to make a perfect couple; they are just about the 2 shortest guys we have and have similar physiques as well, so they look very adorable together. Despite their 'cuteness' we have to remember that they also both have huge sexual appetites, and Pip wastes no time here today in initiating Fabien into the shenanigins of a typical Bel Ami production. Maybe one day he'll give him back to Kevin to complete the training. Featuring Pip Caulfield, Fabien Jacq.
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