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Hard Work Part 2 Freshmen

Hard Work Part 2 Freshmen

Members of Bel Ami Online are already aware of our new Budapest Adventure series. Eluan and Yannis are relatively new hires so we decided to give them the opportunity to prove their mettle by performing the logistics. Given the outstanding quality of the production, we think nearly everyone will agree they did a fantastic job. As a reward for their hard work, we decided it would be appropriate to allow them to introduce the event to our Freshmen audience with a two-part scene together. It starts with Eliot kindly giving his own apartment for the boys to stay in for the month. The boys put it to good use. Part one features Yannis getting fucked by Eluan's big dick and in part two we reverse the roles. Let's see how the boys start their very first production! Featuring Eluan Jeunet, Yannis Paluan. From the web series: Hard Work.
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