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Kyle and Pharaoh ChaosMen

Kyle and Pharaoh ChaosMen

Pharaoh was very relaxed for this shoot. Kyle took a seat, ready to shoot, and Pharaoh practically plunked himself in his lap. I snapped a few pictures but the two started getting right down to the action. I scrambled to get my cameras rolling, but we didn't miss much. Pharaoh kisses down Kyle's body, unleashing his cock so he could suck it like a pro. Kyle was clearly impressed with his skills. This video turns out to be more about Kyle being serviced than Pharaoh. He was all about sucking some dick! He also loves to rim and be rimmed. While getting his ass rimmed, Kyle finally gets a chance at sucking on Pharaoh's cock. They end with Kyle giving Pharaoh a nice facial. With cum dripping from his face, Pharaoh busts his own nut! Featuring Kyle Wyncrest, Pharaoh Beckham. Original release date: September 30th, 2020.
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