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Layover Part 1 Gay Empire

Layover Part 1 Gay Empire

Headlining this new entry in the Jocks Roadshow series, is Christian Wilde who is a wild and crazy guy indeed. Whether alone or partnered up, Christian knows how to manhandle himself, especially with Darin and then Beau Marcus helping him out. And then there are two more sin-sational scenes: the first with Jayden Grey, Mario Costa and James Gates busting outta the gates suckin' and then fuckin' like stallions; and the second with Brayden James grapplin' around Justin Cox, both of them wrasslin' and grabbin' onto whatever they can to make this venture fruitful and fun. Full title: Layover Part 1: Los Angeles. Also known as: Layover: Los Angeles. Produced by: Jocks Studios. Featuring Beau Marcus, Brayden James (aka Brayden Jaymes), Christian Wilde, Darin Silvers, James Gates, Jayden Grey, Justin Cox, Mario Costa.
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