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Third to Play Lucas Entertainment

Third to Play Lucas Entertainment

Andre Donovan and Sean Xavier are two high-powered black businessmen in the world of finance, and at work Andre has taken the young and beautiful Jeffrey Lloyd under his wing. Sean and Andre are in a committed relationship, but sometimes they bring a third in to play; they both crave white cock and hole now and again. When Jeffrey is invited over, everyone is nervous and Sean holds back. Andre takes the lead, and pulls out Jeffrey's huge and erect cock, and starts sucking on him. Needless to say, Sean loosens up and eventually joins the fun. And when he reveals his monster black cock, Jeffrey prepares himself for the very hard work ahead of him! Featuring Jeffrey Lloyd, Sean Xavier, Andre Donovan. From the film: Gentlemen 24: Man-On-Man Merger. Original release date: November 9th, 2018.
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