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Kama Sutra Bel Ami Online

Kama Sutra Bel Ami Online

They say that meditation is good for the soul, but it is also apparently good for your sex life as Bob is about to find out in today's scene with Henrik Bjorn. After teaching his new student a few yoga poses, Bob takes him inside to try out a few things from the Karma Sutra as well. We all know that there is nothing to substitute for a well rounded education! As Hernik is still a newbie in all this they take things slow and start with some of the easier positions before working their way up to the more intense orgasm producing poses. OK, so this may be a bit of a stretch, but still there is a lot of good old fashioned fucking here between 2 horny and sexy guys that we hope that you will all enjoy. Featuring Bob Marghiela, Henrik Bjorn.
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