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Christian and Isaac ChaosMen

Christian and Isaac ChaosMen

We find Christian Wilde and Isaac X making out on the sofa. Isaac works his way down to discover Christian's rock-hard cock as he pulls it out of Christian's tight blue jeans. Isaac quickly gets to work tonguing, throating, and stroking Christian's dick as Christian lets out some encouraging moans. It's not long before Isaac is on his knees on the sofa doing his best to impress Christian with his cock-sucking skills. Isaac takes off his own jeans and kneels down in front of Christian to continue doing the important job of working a thick load out of Christian's throbbing cock. It's clear that Isaac is doing a great job as Christian moans loudly. Christian stands up to get a little bit more leverage. Christian places his hand on Isaac's shoulder and the back of Isaac's head in order to "help" Isaac get further down his shaft. As Isaac continues to work Christian's cock, Christian runs his fingers through his furry stomach and chest before making his way up to play with his nipples. As Christian approaches climax, he places both hands on Isaac's head and starts face-fucking him. Christian lets Isaac know that he's about to cum in his mouth and as Isaac begs him to do so, Christian shoots a thick load onto Isaac's tongue. Isaac shows us the evidence as he makes sure to work every last drop out of Christian's cock. Featuring Christian Wilde, Isaac X. Original release date: November 24th, 2021.
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