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Fight and Seduction French Twinks

Fight and Seduction French Twinks

Crush is a web series following the adventures of a bunch of boys whose destinies intertwine between love, friendship, passion and betrayal against a backdrop of rock music and sex. Enzo, the flirtatious dunce, Sam, the nerdy student and his lover Sacha, the sarcastic philosophy student, revise their lessons at Happy Twinks, the cafe next to the college where they usually hang out. The three friends recently formed a rock band called the "Candy Boyz", although the drummer left due to an argument with Enzo. Sam does not miss to challenge Enzo about it but Sacha calms things down by announcing to them that a new drummer should join them soon. Since he was left by his boyfriend, young Valentin is totally depressed. He finds himself on the street, out of work and tries in vain to reach his ex. He drowns his sorrows in a milkshake, alone at a table at Happy Twinks. Bastien and his boyfriend Leo meet in the locker room after their swimming training. Leo is annoyed when Bastien shows him dozens of messages his ex has sent him. To put an end to this harassment, Leo asks Bastien to formalize their relationship and although Bastien is a little lost in his feelings, he decides to prove his love to Leo and kisses him full on the lips. Enzo spotted Valentin and despite his friends Sam and Sacha dissuading him from flirting with him at the sight of his depressed air, Enzo does as he pleases and will bring comfort to the lonely young man, with an idea behind his head. Featuring Bastien Leray, Leo Gallay, Enzo Lemercier, Valentin Meunier. From the web series: Crush. Original release date: December 22nd, 2021.
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