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Phenomenal Freshmen

Phenomenal Freshmen

This beautiful romantic encounter starts in the infinity pool of the Greek villa where we can observe the wet naked bodies of Helmut Huxley and Matthieu Pique. After teasing each other for a while, they leave the pool to dry themselves. Matthieu cannot hold on anymore and kneels down to take Helmut's huge cock into his mouth. Helmut enjoys the blowjob but he doesn't want the action to end there. He returns the favour to Matthieu and then moves on to rimming his hole. When Helmut penetrates his partner's ass, we can see just how much Matthieu loves bottoming for big dicks. After Helmut comes, prepare yourself for Matthieu's giant creamy load which lands all over Helmut's face. It's phenomenal! Featuring Helmut Huxley, Matthieu Pique.
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