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The Toybox Johnny Rapid

The Toybox Johnny Rapid

Last time Kaleb Stryker was in town, he fucked Johnny, so this time it's Johnny's turn to enjoy Kaleb's ass, and he shows up at the hotel with some gifts: a genuine Johnny Rapid replica ass and replica dildo! Kaleb compares the fake cock to the real thing, then sucks both at once, and Johnny fucks Kaleb's mouth while Kaleb fucks his ass with the Johnny dildo before switching places. Kaleb rides Johnny while sliding his cock into the pocket ass, and it feels so good to have Johnny's cock in him while having his cock in 'Johnny' that soon Kaleb is blowing his load. Johnny adds a lot of spunk to the mix, and tells Kaleb the toys are his to keep. Full title: Johnny's Toybox. Featuring Johnny Rapid, Kaleb Stryker.
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