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Power Play Scene 2 Titan Men

Power Play Scene 2 Titan Men

With their jock asses exposed from their skin-tight sport shorts, Hunter Marx and Johnny Parker rub each other's furry muscle chests, their foreheads rubbing before they kiss. A boner builds under Hunter's laces, his big dick soon popping into Johnny's face. Johnny engulfs it, his own cock throbbing as he wraps his lips tightly around the shaft. The sucker reaches up and grips Hunter's pec, sniffing the stud's crotch. Hunter pushes his steel shaft to the side and releases it his rod snapping onto Johnny's bearded face. The two switch positions, Hunter's vein-bursting cock throbbing as he sucks spit strands clinging to his mouth and falling to his chest. Hunter then bends over his dick staying stiff in his tight shorts to take Johnny's cock. Hunter then grinds his cock on Johnny's ass before fucking him deep, the top's pubes tickling the bottom's ass hair. The two stroke side by side, inserting sounding rods into their cocks as they jack. They finally shoot, Hunter licking Johnny's nip and teasing his balls as the bottom comes. Featuring Hunter Marx and Johnny Parker.
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