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Suck Fuck Cuck Drill My Hole

Suck Fuck Cuck Drill My Hole

Horny bottom Sean Weiss has tried everything to get his husband, Jota Palma, to fuck him, so now it's time to take drastic measures! He's invited bad-boy top Papi Kocic over to pound him, and gives Jota two choices: watch or leave. At first Jota peeks through his fingers as his husband sucks Papi's cock and gets drilled, but soon he's sneaking closer to try and rim Sean and lick his feet as the dominant top has his way with him! Sean taunts the cuck as he rides Papi, but only has eyes for the top as he orgasms in missionary, then takes a spurting facial. The cuck is on his own! Featuring Papi Kocic, Jota Palma, Sean Weiss. Original release date: September 12th, 2022.
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