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Life's pretty awesome for Tom Faulk. The carefree 24-year old spends his days drinking beer, smoking weed and going balls-to-the-wall with his motocross buddies -- pulling stunts, jumps, burnouts, and tearing up the acreage around his uncle's ranch with dreams of going pro. Wild parties, testosterone induced brawls, brutal grunge sex, and a pissed off probation officer bring everything to a head. With the help of his cousin (Brent Corrigan) and his uncle (JJ Knight), Tom realizes it's time to leave his Texas Neverland for the real world. The only question is can he do it? Produced by: Naked Sword. Featuring Brent Corrigan, JJ Knight. From the film: MXXX: The Hardest Ride.
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  Title: MXXX Scene 4 AEBN

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