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Spare Bedroom Lucas Entertainment

Spare Bedroom Lucas Entertainment

Wolf Rayet and Dennis Sokolov take some time to themselves in a spare bedroom so Wolf can suck on Dennis' uncut Russian cock (oral sex is Wolf's favorite activity). Alejandro Castillo, meanwhile, has a sixth sense for when sex is going on nearby, and he brings along his fuck buddy Dominic Arrow to see what's going on. However, it's not what's going on but what is going to happen: Alejandro uses Dennis' as his own personal fuck hole while Wolf and Dominic suck each other's big cocks, getting off on the show unfolding before them! Full title: Sucking and Fucking. Featuring Alejandro Castillo, Wolf Rayet, Dominic Arrow, Dennis Sokolov. From the film: Seriously Hard Fucking. Original release date: December 5th, 2016.
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