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Banging Vlad Lucas Entertainment

Banging Vlad Lucas Entertainment

Nico Zetta and Vlad Stark got to know each other quite well on the Lucas Entertainment set. They were caught making out with each other on a few occasions, so it was only smart to put them in a scene together. Vlad's milky European skin against Nico's caramel tone makes an incredible pairing. After they make out and fool around in the shower, Nico covers Vlad's eyes and leads him to a surprise. He reveals Michael Lucas laying on a bed, hard and ready to share in the fun. Nico and Michael take turns fucking Vlad's ass. Original title: Michael Lucas and Nico Zetta Bang Vlad Stark. Featuring Michael Lucas, Nico Zetta, Vlad Stark. From the film: Assume the Position. Original release date: January 24th, 2022.
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