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Hunt Jhon Jawked

Hunt Jhon Jawked

Fresh Jawked boy Jhon Bianco has everything we like to see in a new arrival. This muscled young hunk has a boyish face to go with his manly body, and of course he has a stiff cock that's always in need of attention. Clearly this is a young man who enjoys the gym, and as we all know guys who work out as much as Jhon does tend to be super horny most of the time. This young man certainly is, and he really likes exploring himself and showing off the results of his efforts. In moments the sexy young hunk is shirtless and he's slipping off his jeans. His hands reach into his briefs and he starts to play. Watch as the muscled stud shows off his hair ass, revealing just enough to have us wanting more while he humps the bed. You'd love to be under him. Once naked he's focusing on his pleasure, toying with his swelling cock, rubbing his hardening meat in his grip, his balls tight and pulling up. Jhon is a very natural exhibitionist, he knows he looks good and he loves knowing that you're watching while he flexes his muscles and rubs his bulging dick. His helmet is so thick and round, like a mushroom. He lays back and keeps a steady pace, stroking his shaft and making hot white cum pump from his tip. After seeing this debut solo we're all hoping to see a lot more of him. Featuring Jhon Bianco.
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