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Dominant Sex Lucas Entertainment

Dominant Sex Lucas Entertainment

Harold Lopez and Mauro Valiente are two handsome and strong Latino men who love dominant sex and busting their nuts inside a white guy's ass. They've been pals and buddies for awhile, and it doesn't take a lot of effort to find a hot bottom who is salivating at the chance to pay them a visit, strip down, and take them up the ass. Harold and Mauro have a reputation for leaving the asses of their bottoms bred and banged up, and that's exactly what Ridick wants when he stops in for some action. Even though they are only two in numbers, power houses like Harold Lopez and Mauro Valiente can easily count as four, and they very much gang-bang Ridick's bottom hole! Original title: Harold Lopez and Mauro Valiente Bang Ridick. Featuring Harold Lopez, Mauro Valiente, Ridick. From the film: Gang Banged Bottom Holes. Original release date: September 30th, 2022.
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