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Brodie Gay Hot Movies

Brodie Gay Hot Movies

Brodie is the kind of guy you want to hang out with at a party. He's a big, strapping construction worker by day and a drummer in a rock band at night. Brodie's body is thick, muscled and slightly hairy in all the right places. He has a boyishly handsome face, and he's very masculine in presence and demeanor. "What's your favorite part of your body?" "My favorite part of my body would have to be either my bubble butt or my erect penis." (We at Sean Cody have to add perfect chest and nipples, too!) Adding to this total package was his fucking abilities. Not to be missed. You can't go wrong when Brodie's involved. Check him out. Produced by: Sean Cody. Featuring Brodie, Phillip, Dean, Forrest, Jayden, Dusty.
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