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Very Pleasant Bel Ami Online

Very Pleasant Bel Ami Online

Despite being physically very different, there are a lot of commonalities that lead to there being very pleasant sexual energy between Sven and Eluan. They are both fitness fanatics and also both a bit of an exhibitionist. We are not giving away any prizes today for guessing that Eluan is the top in this scene, but we are more than happy to let you know that the sex is great, with Sven taking Eluan's huge cock like the champ that he is and blowing his load while still being fucked hard. Eluan is always a joy to watch, possessing just the right balance of vanity and exuberance to ensure that he and his partners both look good and are actually having a good time in front of the camera. Featuring Eluan Jeunet, Sven Basquiat.
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