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Introducing Shizuku Japan Boyz

Introducing Shizuku Japan Boyz

Our resident golden boy at Japan Boyz, Zen, brought in an old buddy of his who's too shy to make the move into porn without some help. Shizuku describes himself as a bottom who can also top, which elicits a laugh from Zen. And when he describes the kind of guys he like to fuck with, the description matches Zen to a "t". They hooked up once in the past, and it seems like lean, dark Shizuku has some lingering feelings, especially when he moans and groans his way through Zen sucking, licking rimming and topping him. Enjoy a second time around between these one-time fuck buddies (and the first on-camera). They both end up drenched in cum and quite satisfied. Original release date: March 14th, 2023.
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  Title: Introducing Shizuku Japan Boyz

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