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Vin ChaosMen

Vin ChaosMen

Vin had done a solo before, and after he submitted himself Vin is Italian and has done some solo and cam work before. To me he looks like actor Eric Balfour (Skyline and TV's Haven) and I think he is super sexy. They could be cousins! He also kind of reminds me of my first boyfriend in high school. Lean and Italian! Vin has a lot more experience in front of a cam, and his solo shows how comfortable he is. Previously he was not keen on doing guy-guy work, but now thinks he can get past his limits. We shall see. He will be back next week to get some oral, and pretty sure I want him to come back for more. His energy is amazing, and love his sexy body! Featuring Vin. Original release date: August 3rd, 2015.
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