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Lucian ChaosMen

Lucian ChaosMen

Lucian is half Moroccan and half Jamaican. Though he has exotic looks, he grew up in the South and has a nice Southern accent. He spends most of his time working outdoors, and I think he would consider himself a country boy. He has a nice 7.5" cock, that he strokes to full length in no time. He makes his balls bounce as he is getting hard. Lucian was very turned on by doing the solo. For the photos he would get hard instantly, but then have to let go or risk cumming too son. During the video, he actually nutted about 5 minutes into the shoot. We filled some time so you can get a better look at him, but I actually pieced this one out of order. He is sitting back, stroking his cock, when he declares he is going to cum. Thankfully, I had all the cameras aimed right and his jizz oozes out of his cock forward, like a dripping ice-cream cone. Hair trigger guys are fun to play with as you keep them on the edge! Featuring Lucian. Original release date: October 29th, 2015.
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