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Grant ChaosMen

Grant ChaosMen

I really had my wires crossed when I met with Grant for the first time. My friend that referred him to me said he was a bottom, and that his boyfriend was a top. So I was eager to get him in first, as I am always a bit "top heavy" when it comes to what guys want to do. A local gay guy who bottoms? Get him in! Turns out I had it backwards. He is kind of a bossy top, while his bf tends to wanna top too. His boyfriend is really cute, so after seeing him I was like, "Let's get him him in next!" Maybe we could do a video of them together, as Real Life couples can make for some steamy video action! And steam is what you will get with Grant. Hot smoldering looks with a slow lingering jack-off style. Pretty nice nut shot too! I think I will test out his cock sucking skills on one of the straight guys who want to be Serviced. But for today, you get up close and personal with him. Featuring Grant. Original release date: September 14th, 2009.
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