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Miles ChaosMen

Miles ChaosMen

Miles is a laid back country boy, who had just gotten a new puppy, so we needed to move quickly through his shoot cuz his puppy needed to be let out after a couple hours. He still seemed very relaxed and had lots of fun showing off for the camera. Miles probably hears it on occasion, but I think he looks like a grown-up Haley Joel Osment ('I see dead people' fame), toss in a dash of Edward Norton and you have one cute guy! Miles is straight and I never got a chance to see if he wanted to come back and do more interactive stuff. He seem open-minded, so if you guys like him I will for sure ask him to come on back. But I think he just needed some quick cash to pay for his new puppy! Featuring Miles. Original release date: February 22nd, 2010.
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