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Ramsey ChaosMen

Ramsey ChaosMen

Ramsey is 19, but looks more like he is in his 20's. He's got a hot tight body, natural body hair and bush, and a...uhhh...significant cock. He grew up in a liberal environment, so is very open-minded. Despite that, he was a little nervous getting started with the photos, but then a switch got tossed and I think he totally got off to showing off for you. If you like your boys is socks, we kept them on for you. Ramsey is a little bit of a talker too, and it totally adds that something sensual that many solos lack. He's had offers from gay friends to show him how good a blow job is from someone who is much more familiar with the equipment, but he seems pretty set on the ladies. Featuring Ramsey. Original release date: June 28th, 2010.
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