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Roger Gharney Part 2 Badpuppy

Roger Gharney Part 2 Badpuppy

Roger Gharney (aka Kamil Fox) is sent to the woodshed to give us quite a show in this hot solo. He has a tight body, smooth, defined muscles and a perfectly shaped, perfectly sized cock. We enjoyed watching him tug on his uncut meat, tensing and relaxing his muscles, and listening to his sexy moans of pleasure. Roger's muscular body is on full display for us to enjoy. He strokes faster and faster, working himself all over, stroking his balls, and playing with his smooth, tight asshole. Roger builds up quite a sweat before he splatters his cum all over his tight chest and stomach, almost over his shoulder. We could go to the woodshed with Roger Gharney every day! Original release date: March 4th, 2015.
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