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Foreskin Fun Staxus

Foreskin Fun Staxus

For a variety of reasons there's a whole army of guys out there who rightly or wrongly don't quite have everything that nature originally blessed them with when it comes to the cock department. For them, foreskin play is a somewhat foreign experience, but if you're a roundhead rather than a cavalier when it comes to penis-play don't let this magnificent solo performance from one of the hottest young twinks on the scene put you off in any way. In fairness, Julian Cooper would be a must-see performer even if he was cut, but the fact that he possesses one of the finest lengths of foreskin around (and clearly knows exactly what to do with it in front of camera) makes him all the more of a top-notch dick-magnet! Indeed, we defy anyone to watch this superb demonstration of uncut flesh without immediately reaching for their zipper in order to tug on their own hard knob-head, be it skinned like Cooper's ramrod or fashionably trimmed! Not that appreciation of this fine twink should centre solely on the assets between his legs noteworthy though they may be! For this dark-haired beauty is a pleasure to watch in every sense a fine, boy-next-door type that would serve as a fantastic addition to any home! All that said, however, there's simply no getting over the fact that as is the case with most young guys it's the lad's cock that's the biggest attraction, not to mention those two handsome balls of his that produce an achingly generous wad of jizz for all you horny fans! Original Title: Julian Cooper horny, oversized youngster enjoys some foreskin fun before jerking out a load!
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