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Hard Hitting Fuck Staxus

Hard Hitting Fuck Staxus

It's a brave soul who can interrupt their boss mid-flow during an important telephone conversation and get away with it, but clearly young Tristan Wood is a guy with balls excuse the pun! Of course, it helps when you're an out-and-out harlot and have no quarms in using your sexual charms to win over your superior as herein demonstrated by the young fellow, who deftly tackles Robin Sanchez's natural (and totally understandable) annoyance by immediately reaching for his boss' shirt buttons before heading south for a direct encounter with the older guy's handsome ramrod! And what an encounter it is, with Wood deep-throating the beauty down to the root, before Sanchez returns the eager compliment in similarly enthusiastic style, then proceeds to rim his underling's pert little ass in anticipation of the hardcore fucking that we all know is on the cards. Indeed, it doesn't take long before the bearded manager is ploughing his handsome fuck-stick right between the twink's pert little buns, though being the boss it's perhaps fitting that most of the fornication in this scene proceeds with Wood sitting down on Sanchez's lap, as if to underline the boss' superior status. Arguably the best action, however, comes when Sanchez finally bundles Wood over his desk and proceeds to engage in a hard hitting, ass-splitting blitzkrieg on the youngster's hole, which not surprisingly results in Wood busting his nuts in no time. All topped off nicely by the boss marking his territory by spewing a rich wad of liquid protein over the young lad's face nigh on payment in kind! Original Title: Interrupting the boss gets this horny twink the hard hitting fuck his useless ass deserves!
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