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Daniel and Oscar Staxus

Daniel and Oscar Staxus

Some guys like to be treated with respect and made to feel of value but that's not something that young Oscar Roberts is looking for, that's for sure. In fact, this horny little slut literally can't wait to be laid out in a sling, with his hands and feet tied and his ass open and ready for whoever walks in through the door! Which in this instance just happens to be Daniel Johnson a rather determined fellow, who seems to know instinctively how to treat a lad who clearly has no self-worth or self-respect. Ripping Roberts's shirt from his chest and promptly forcing his dick down the boy's throat, Johnson immediately establishes himself as the major force in this encounter, and is soon casually thrusting a donkey-sized dildo up the bottom's nicely lubed arse. Needless to point out, Roberts shows little difficulty in taking the monster, followed by a succession of ass-stretching toys that most guys his age would almost certainly balk at. But what Roberts wants inside him most of all, of course, is Johnson's dick, and you can almost hear the sigh of relief from the lad when the top finally slips his rock-hard knob right between his fuck-buddy's ass-cheeks! Cue a tremendously raunchy and hyper-energetic session of man-on-man sling-sex that will almost certainly have you jerking away with much the same gusto as Roberts himself, and which finally crescendos with a copious volley of pent-up jizz from both of these dirty-minded fuckers! A must-see for any lover of mindless fornication! Original Title: Horny little dick-fiend enjoys a hard-hitting - Daniel Johnson and Oscar Roberts
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