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Quinn ChaosMen

Quinn ChaosMen

Quinn is 6 feet tall, but he seems much taller, mainly because the dude has some mass on him. He is a big guy -- all over! He is a fairly sexual guy. Jerks-off once a day and his favorite thing to do is have anal sex with girls, but with his big unit, he has to find an eager gal to take him. Quinn has a calm presence and is thoughtful about the choices he makes. He debated doing an oral video on his first visit, but decided to just do the solo and check the place out. Not sure if he will be back as of writing this. Which would be a shame because he so dang sexy in that "straight boy" way. Awesome body, amazing cock, and with just a little bit of effort he not only got hard for us, but he was holding back from cumming the entire time. Getting his nut shot was a breeze! He also shows-off his nice firm ass and his dick never wilts doing that. He is one of those guys that seems to be having a lot of fun, is very turned on, and kind of enjoyed show casing his ass. So it surprises me when they hit a wall and don't seem to be ready to come to do more. Regardless of more work, the dude is made for porn! Hot! Featuring Quinn. Original release date: February 20th, 2012.
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