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Bishop ChaosMen

Bishop ChaosMen

As part of Marchmania I thought I would bring you Mr. Bishop. I recently filmed him and loved his sexual energy. He reminds me of Vander in many ways. Very sexual without being trashy, very few limits, loves all types of guys and can find something stimulating about each, and likely won't take it personally if the straight guy they are working with isn't into them. Bishop is 5'8" which he thinks is short, but he seems taller than that. He carries himself confidently, and you can tell by the interview, he likes to laugh. He is more of a Top, and he is pretty dang hung, so I told him he might need to mix it up a bit, and frankly, I think he is down for anything as long as the dude is hot. His solo is tremendous. Lots of energy and he used the camera guy to keep himself motivated. I love it when that happens! Look for him very soon doing a Serviced video, then there may be a delay as I start mixing him up with Team Chaos! Featuring Bishop. Original release date: March 8th, 2012.
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