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Bruce Thompson ChaosMen

Bruce Thompson ChaosMen

Bruce had his head shaved when he submitted his pics. He said he was growing it out to a faux hawk. I myself have one so I thought sure. He shows up with well, a Mohawk. I asked him right away, "I thought you were growing a faux hawk?" "This is a faux hawk?" He replied. "No, that's a Mohawk." "No it's a faux hawk from where I come from?" he defended. "Well, I guess I am going to have my first Mohawk on my site!" I said not wanting to debate hair styles with a straight guy. So I hope you like big muscley guys with Mohawks! Bruce is a nice guy, all set to do a solo and a Serviced video and eager to show of for us. During the photos, he was struggling to stay hard, so I quickly set him up to do his solo at the computer, complete with audio. Thankfully that worked out, though he does focus a bit on the video. There is an OutTake at the end, where I give him a helping hand. It seems like lately I have been stepping in to help get the guys close. I don't know if including the OutTakes ruins the solos, but some people seem to like it. Featuring Bruce Thompson. Original release date: April 30th, 2012.
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